GameSDK Flashlight

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This level based script includes basic flashlight made especially for GameSDK character. The flashlight only include light component attached to the player character, volumetric fog settings and environment settings. The script was made in 5.7 LTS. This is asset is part of Pterosoft R&D.

Launch the Sandbox and open level called Flashlight. If the environment present set it to 
the one shipped with the level. (GameSDK/libs/environmentpresets/flashlight.env)

You need GameSDK to run the script. It should work with custom rigs as well but attaching the
light entity might be different. You also need to use CryENGINE 5.7 LTS as this was not tested
on previous versions and might not even be compatible.

You are free to use the asset for any project you work on both commercial or non-commercial. You
don't need to provide reference to the original asset creator.

About Pterosoft R&D
If we're not working on videogames we love to experiment with the engine we love. In Pterosoft R&D we are working on prototyping assets that we want to share with CryENGINE community and that we might use in current or future projects.

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